Want to find showtimes, watch trailers, discover movies, TV shows/seasons, popular celebrities etc.!
AUKA - All You Know About is one of the most popular iOS app to discover movies, tv shows/seasons, celebrities.
We show all details about every movie and tv show ever made, including casts, crews, photos, videos, trailers, user ratings, reviews, budgets, tags and much more.
- Compatibility to iPhone, iPod Touch.
- Over 2 million movie and TV titles
- Over 1 million actors, actresses, directors and crews
- This uses "themoviesdb.org"
Latest feature:
Currently we are browsing through all above lists as a guest. Upcoming feature - Can do more by logging in to using themoviesdb.org account.
- Add/Delete a movie/tv show to watch-list
- Add/Delete a movie/tv show to favourite list
If you love this app, please review it in iTunes and add comments and request to help to improve our service.